Partners in Ministry Extension (PIMEx) is a certificate program designed exclusively for pastors’ wives who cannot enroll in the IGSL PIM resident program. It started in 2013 with the emphasis of reaching those who live in remote areas of Asia. We believe that the best environment for transformation is through a small group discipleship setting. Our main thrust, therefore, is that pastors’ wives be loved, discipled, and trained through small discipleship groups, which we call “Iron Sharpening Groups (ISGs).”
Our vision is to see every pastor’s wife living a vibrant relationship with God and her husband, together discipling their families, communities and the world for Christ.
The mission of PIMEx is to encourage and empower pastors’ wives by providing a small group environment that enhances their spiritual growth, personal development, family relationships and effective use of their God-given gifts in ministry.
For more information, contact
Ms. Grace Ordiz
Contact Numbers: +6393 550 32836
Email Address: gordiz@igsl.asia