The IGSL Partners in Ministry Extension Program is an off-campus program exclusively for pastors’ wives. The program has been redesigned with a new curriculum to further equip and mentor pastors’ wives in fulfilling their calling as a disciple of Jesus and a partner in ministry to their pastor-husband. The new curriculum can be completed in two years. It offers four courses that are part of our PIM resident school program of IGSL. These courses are:
- Growing with God
- Becoming a True Partner in Ministry
- Reaching Your World
- Soul Care Ministry
Upon completion of all four courses, a pastor’s wife will graduate with a PIM Extension program certificate.
Pastors’ wives
To see every pastor’s wife living a vibrant relationship with God and her husband, together discipling their families, communities, and the world for Christ.
To encourage and empower pastors’ wives by providing a small group environment that enhances their spiritual growth, personal development, family relationships and effective use of their God-given gifts in ministry.
Exclusively for pastors’ wives who…
- Desire to grow and journey together with fellow pastors’ wives;
- Need an avenue for growth but do not have access to such resources due to their location, financial situation, or other limitations;
- May be young and new in the ministry, while others may have been in the ministry for many years;
- May have had Bible school training, while others may not;
- Went into the ministry well aware that their husbands were ministers, while others married men who were not pastors but later received God’s call for the ministry.
We believe that the best environment for transformation is through a small group discipleship setting. Our main thrust is that pastors’ wives be loved, discipled, and trained through discipleship groups which we call “Iron Sharpening Groups” (ISGs).
Each ISG of pastors’ wives in the extension program will be led by a facilitator who must be a PIM alumna. This is especially important during the first cycle of conducting a course in any location. When a pastor’s wife has completed a course, if she has a heart for
discipleship and has been recommended by her site coordinator, she can be trained and allowed to facilitate her own small group for the course she has completed. All site coordinators and course facilitators must be certified as “trained” by the PIM Extension National Coordinator and PIM director.
For inquiries, send us an email at or contact Jojie Garvez at