!! The application deadline for the new 2019 Cohort is February 11, 2019. All application forms should be received at IGSL by February 11, 2019.

One Application

This joint program has one set of application forms. However, each of the degree programs has somewhat different entrance requirements.

Common Requirements
All applicants must have at least four years of vocational ministry/work experience after their masters degree, and meet other character, ministry, and academic standards appropriate to the program. Further, a grade point average for their masters of “B+” or above (3.3 on 1-4 scale, 4.0 high) and demonstrated English proficiency (TOEFL of 550 or IGSL English proficiency test score of 85) are required.

  • If an applicant’s masteral study or GPA do not meet admission standards, leveling courses may be required and/or admission under academic probation may be allowed.
  • Along with the standard application forms, applicants submit two papers: a) the biographical essay (personal ministry calling and motivation for pursuing the program) and b) the academic paper (a substantial academic paper of not less than 4,000 words written in English showing library research, thoughtful/critical analysis.) Further guidance for submitting these two papers is found in the application instructions downloadable with the application forms.

Provisional Acceptance
All applicants received into the joint program are accepted provisionally. Ministry skills and character will be assessed in the application process and as part of the first year evaluation. Full acceptance into the program will be given upon satisfactory completion of the first year course work, practicum work and evaluation process.

Full Acceptance
Into the program is based upon:

  • Completing all work in a timely and effective manner (e.g., meeting deadlines, quality work)
  • Commitment to the learning process required in the program (e.g., class involvement, skill practice)
  • Demonstrating required baseline maturity/relational competencies (e.g., personal initiative, teamwork, flexibility, humility)
  • Meeting administrative requirements (e.g., complete all application requirements, settle program related financial commitments, maintain a satisfactory grade point average: DMin=B; ThM & PhD=B+).

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PhD in Peace Studies information

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