Dear friends,
In building leaders for transformation, IGSL is committed to delivering holistic education, equipping Christian leaders in various leadership aspects through classes, field ministry, life-on-life mentoring, and even community life inside the IGSL campus.
We also have conferences and modules that address specific areas of a leader’s life. As students grow in these areas, the people they minister to also benefit as they share the knowledge and live out the wisdom they have acquired.
The recently held Singles Conference and the ongoing Parenting Seminar are a few of these avenues by which students get to dig deeper into specific topics and build strong connections that allow them to process what they have learned and integrate it into their personal lives, relationships, and ministries. We believe that these out-of-classroom learning experiences are a vital part of their development toward becoming healthy relaters.
Highlights from the Singles Seminar
The Parenting Seminar reminded us of how important being parents are. The speakers and facilitators imparted biblical wisdom and lessons that are eternally true but still very much applicable in this day and age. My wife and I have learned how proper communication and support, especially in how we discipline our child and in developing her interests and passion, help in her development as a person. -DJ and Ella Velasco
We are reminded that aside from teaching, our primary responsibility as parents is to model godly character and values to our children. We need to complement each other and not to compete, for us to balance our roles in raising and disciplining our children. Most importantly, we need to always remember that we are not the owners of our children but only stewards of the most precious and delicate gifts that God has ever entrusted to our lives. -Louie and Rachel Magamay
The past two modules were both eye-openers about the mistakes we had as parents and affirmations of the changes that we did to become better parents. The lesson on unconditional love was extremely helpful in understanding parenthood in the best light and taught us how we should relate to our children with utmost love without any precondition. I also felt that the coaching style we use now in communicating with our children found a lot of affirmation in the past two modules. -Roy and Vilma Valenzuela

How about you, dear friends? How can we pray for you specifically in terms of relating with others or in other concerns you may have? Let us know by replying to this email or sending an email to
Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission,
Dr. Cris Uy
IGSL President