Dear friends,
As part of the IGSL community, we all share a passion for helping expand God’s kingdom and seeing lives, families, communities, and nations transformed. And soon this community that has been in diaspora since 2020 will be together again! We are just imagining our beautiful campus full of life again, great talks with students and teachers, lunches in the canteen, kids shouting in the playground, basketball and volleyball, everyone studying, working, worshipping, serving, doing life together!

So dear friends, would you help us bring in the newest batch?
Do you know someone who…
- Loves and obeys God
- Has a passion for learning
- Is committed to community transformation
- Is fluent in English
- Is at least 24 years old
- Takes the Great Commission seriously
…but still needs equipping in handling the Word of God and sharpening ministry and leadership skills?

Who comes to your mind? Pray for that person and contact them. Tell them about IGSL and challenge them to consider studying at IGSL.
You can direct them to our website to learn more about the courses offered. Then give them the link to the online application form. The application deadline is June 30, 2022.
Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commission,
Dr. Cris Uy
IGSL President