Student Life Coordinator

  • Spiritual Formation
  • Small Group Ministry
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Research and Writing for Christian Leadership
  • PhD studies in Ministerial Studies,
    Biblical Seminary of the Philippines
  • Master of Divinity in Teaching and Exposition,
    International School of Theology-Asia
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication,
    University of the Cordilleras
Ella Mosquera is a full-time faculty member of IGSL since 2007. She has served as the Associate Dean of Student Affairs from 2009 to 2015. She joined staff with the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) in 1993. For almost eight years, Ella helped pioneer a campus ministry in the northeast region of the Philippines, where she enjoyed discipling university students and training workers in the field. She also assisted in translating and producing the Jesus Film in her native Ibaloi dialect.

Ella enjoys teaching practical leadership courses, leading her Iron Sharpening Group (ISG), ministering alongside workers and leaders, and coordinating spiritual formation events in the IGSL community. She also likes reading, gardening, and family getaways to their mountain farm in Benguet. Ella is married to Moi Mosquera and a mother to Sophia Charis, her great joy and delight.

Together with her family, Ella envisions servant leaders who accurately handle the Bible, possess practical ministry skills, and exhibit Christ-like character to spearhead movements in sectors of society.