Seek my Face

Dear friends,  As we enter the fourth quarter of the year, what thoughts or concerns immediately come to mind? Do you look forward to this time of the year or are you hesitant to enter this season? Whatever we may be feeling right now, God’s invitation to seek Him still stands. Such is the heart […]

Peacebuilding in Lebanon

Dear friends,  A new school year has started and the IGSL campus is once again abuzz with activity: his and hellos ringing in the hallways; the school bell signaling break time or the start of another class; feet shuffling as people line up in the canteen; students, staff, and faculty singing and praying together during […]

Midyear Updates and Prayer Request

Dear friends,  “Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” (1 Thess. 5:24, NASB) Our almighty and faithful God has done amazing things and we couldn’t help but declare His greatness! He continues to work through His people who humbly submit to Him and do His will. And it […]


Dear friends,  On the final stretch of another school year, we give praises and thanks to the Lord! By God’s grace and for His glory, we have been equipping Christian leaders for His mission field in Asia and beyond for 40 years and counting. Challenges and changes may come, like the pandemic and turnover of […]


Dear friends,  As part of the IGSL community, we all share a passion for helping expand God’s kingdom and seeing lives, families, communities, and nations transformed. And soon this community that has been in diaspora since 2020 will be together again! We are just imagining our beautiful campus full of life again, great talks with […]

Anniversary Highlights and Resources

ANNIVERSARY HIGHLIGHTS AND RESOURCES Dear friends,  We come to the second quarter of 2022 rejoicing through the past months of remembering.  What a joy to celebrate God’s faithfulness for 40 years with the IGSL community locally and globally.  Praise God for every one of you—students, staff, faculty, alumni, ministry partners, board members—whom the Lord has […]

Doubters Strength

“The joy of the Lord is my strength! The joy of the Lord is my strength! The joy of the Lord is my strength! The jo-oy of the Lo-ord is my strength!” As a teen, I would gleefully and complacently sing this song with my peers. Guitars rocking, hands clapping, even some dancing in praise. […]


Dear friends,  How has your January been? Amid the Omicron surge, getting back to our daily routine after the Christmas break, and praying for the upcoming elections, how have you experienced God’s presence and blessings? What are the things you are entrusting to Him in 2022?   Here at IGSL, a number of our faculty and […]

The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders

 Learn powerful leadership skills for solving problems, reaching goals, and developing others. Offered in two settings : Online and Face to Face The participants will choose upon registration which setting they prefer: (6 Zoom sessions, 6:30 – 10:00PM Manila Time [ April 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, & 27, 2023 ] LIFE-TRANSFORMING SKILLS The Coaching […]