- New Testament and Greek Exegesis
- Bible Exposition
- Pastoral Ministry
- Hermeneutics
- Philosophy
- Theology
- Leadership Studies
- PhD – Middlesex University (Oxford Centre for Mission Studies)
- ThM – Dallas Theological Seminary
- BS Biology – Texas A&M University
Rev. Brian Andrew Edwards Ph.D. was a pastor for 13 years, both as a licensed and ordained minister. He and his wife Kathy joined the IGSL faculty in 2020. While among the newest faculty members this school year, Brian is not a newbie to academe. Prior to IGSL, he has been a Bible college instructor for 15 years at St. Trivelius Institute (formerly United Theological Faculty) and was a visiting academic professor at several institutions around the world for two years. He has taught in the areas of New Testament and Greek Exegesis, Bible Exposition, Pastoral Ministry, Hermeneutics, Philosophical Theology, and Leadership Studies. Additionally, he has taught courses in philosophy and theology. He is a current member of Friedrich Nietzsche Society, Evangelical Philosophical Society, and the Society of Christian Scholars.
Discipleship through theological education is how Brian characterizes his approach to teaching. He believes that regardless of how technical the instruction can sometimes be, it’s all part of the overall objective of helping students become more committed followers and effective servants of the Lord Jesus. Brain is convinced that although students do not realize it at first, student education merely begins in the classroom because the medium of ministry is relationships. It commences in the formal academic setting, spills over into personal interactions in their home and in cafés, and extends to the pastoral setting of their local churches and communities. “I teach in the classroom and coach in the church,” is how Brian summarizes this approach.
Aside from pastoring and teaching, Brian also enjoys all sports, hiking and camping, conversation, reading (especially biography), poetry, and carpentry.
Brian and Kathy have been married for 34 years and have three grown children: Karis Grace Riley, Andrew Christopher Edwards, Hope Elise Crelin.