
by Ptr. Dan DeTablan (Roxas, Capiz)

It was early in 2016 when I asked the Lord to lead me to whatever he wanted me to do in the ministry. At that time I was pastoring a small group of believers meeting at a small hotel every Sunday.

Pastor Dan De Tablan on far right

It was also then that the International Care Ministry (ICM) introduced the MC2 or Multiplying Churches and (Faith-Based) Communities in our area. MC2 is the curriculum used by FCL (Foundations for Christian Leadership) to equip church planters. I decided to join, hoping that the Lord will guide me to a certain direction, and my hope was right. The program was indeed God’s way of leading me to a new kind of experience. It set forth a desire in me to launch MC2 into motion.

Shortly after, unfavorable circumstances occurred which led to the church moving to a government-owned business center near a high school and university. This turned out to be a strategic location.

Beginning with Prayer

After a few months of MC2 training, my wife and I prayed that God would use it to start a new fellowship community among the youth in our area.

After weeks of prayer walks and much prayer, God caused the students from the nearby high school and university to become interested in hearing His Word. They came in droves and souls were turning to God daily. Some weeks later, many were baptized and soon, weekly youth worship services were organized.

Inspired and overwhelmed by the turn of events, my wife and I organized these newly baptized young people into groups and began conducting (phases 1-2) MC2 discipleship classes daily.

Investing in Leaders

After some time, we were able to identify potential leaders out of the many and shifted our focus and attention to intentionally discipling this core group.

As my wife and I continued our MC2 training at ICM, whatever we learned we downloaded to our disciples. The results were astonishing! The young people and I were progressing and soon after, they were conducting Bible studies among their peers in school.

Before long, these Bible studies in the campus caught the attention of the high school principal and our disciples were called to her office.

God is great! The principal commended them for their activities and were encouraged to continue. As the principal said, “You are propagating good values formation among students.”

Not only were the students inspired, the activity stirred up dormant Christian teachers and students. As a result, Obedience-Based Bible Study (OBBS) and Youth Worship Activity were allowed on campus.

God’s Provision

In August 2017, our contract was terminated in the government-run business center because they needed the place for other purposes. However, it was obvious that the management was irritated by students coming in and out for Bible studies every day.

We were in a troubled situation. But again the Lord, in his wisdom, led us to hold our discipleship classes in a nearby park where we conducted our classes, under the trees, daily.

Multiplying Disciples

Soon the disciples were mature and equipped. We encouraged them to share the gospel at the park where many students hang out after class. They did it and many students were saved.

The second task was to testify Jesus in their respective families. As a result many were persecuted but they persevered and later succeeded in witnessing to their parents and family members.

Of course, weekly TOPEC sessions were conducted.  TOPEC, which stands for Teach, Observe, Practice, Evaluate, Coach, is a guide on how to pass on the leadership/discipleship process. Disciples met for evaluation, coaching and mentoring, but aside from weekly meetings, we established a group chat where any member-disciple can reach one another for coaching, mentoring and relaying prayer concerns.

The third task was their greatest challenge. They were to form small groups in or out of the school and employ OBBS. They succeeded by God’s grace and right now, they have small groups and house churches where they can apply what we have learned together. These students have completed the MC2 training and received their certificates.

Why MC2?

The MC2 process of multiplying churches is Holy Spirit-dependent, easy to understand, applicable, low cost, and practically transferable that even an elementary student can do it.

Before MC2, our church’s influence reached four barangays only. But as we practiced MC2, by God’s grace, we have expanded the kingdom’s influence to 11 barangays.

Today we have 17 fellowship/home and campus groups staffed by 9-10 youth workers.

Likewise, God extended my ministry. I am now mentoring four churches in MC2. To God be the glory!