What is it?
It is a simple, transferable, modular training through which we are trusting God to help participants establish and multiply churches and communities in a variety of target groups.
The Product of the MC2 Training
The result of our training is a Spirit-filled leader who multiplies healthy churches and communities in the context of a movement.
MC2 PROCESS (Click the diagram below to learn more about the four phases of MC2 PROCESS)

Global Church Movements has developed, field-tested and rolled out a church planting movement training known as MC2 in 2011. The MC2 (Multiplying Churches and faith Communities) training process incorporates essential principles of church planting from the Book of Acts, practices from some of the best church planting movements around the world, and the win-build-send DNA of Cru – Campus Crusade for Christ. MC2 is a crucial vehicle that drives our multiplication strategy around the world, designed to help establish churches and faith communities that are biblical, missional, multiplying, and locally sustainable.
The MC2 process has four phases of theoretical and practical training, spaced three to four months apart. Click a button to learn more.
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Phase 1″ collapse_text=”Phase 1″ ]Phase 1: The leader identifies a target area, regularly prays for every household in the area, seeks to address the felt needs of the community, actively shares the Gospel, and seeks to start a group with at least five new believers.[/bg_collapse]
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Phase 2″ collapse_text=”Phase 2″ ]Phase 2: The leader disciples the new believers and grows the group to at least 10 people, who regularly gather for prayer, Bible teaching, worship and fellowship.[/bg_collapse]
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Phase 3″ collapse_text=”Phase 3″ ]Phase 3: The leader identifies at least 2 future multiplying leaders. He or she begins to disciple and share the vision for multiplication with these future leaders.[/bg_collapse]
[bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Phase 4″ collapse_text=”Phase 4″ ]Phase 4: These two or more new multiplying leaders will begin the MC2 training, engage new target areas for church planting, and the process of multiplication begins.[/bg_collapse]
We want every church planting movement to be locally sustainable. We believe that in order to achieve this, at least four generations of leaders and churches must be established in each target area.
So what makes MC2 so effective?
It is biblical. Multiplying leaders learn to build movements by simply studying and applying what they learn in the Bible.
It is relational. Participants focus on reaching out through networks of relationships, through people of peace, and by sincerely investing in the lives of those they reach for Christ.
It is based on intentional mentoring. Between each phase, multiplying leaders meet regularly with coaches who pray for them and encourage them. They are never alone in their journey.
It is results-driven. We don’t let people proceed to the next phase if they do not apply and complete the previous phase.
Taken from https://movementeer.org/movement/mc2-process/
If you are interested in training for MC2, please contact Rev. Ojie Bumanglag at (+63) 920 925 1097 or email him at obumanglag@igsl.asia