The IGSL Peace Studies program is unique in its biblical and theological grounding, how it insightfully prepares students to address their own hearts and the hearts of those they serve, and in its commitment to develop skilled peace practitioners and researchers.

- Core biblical values – We believe that the cross of Christ, His church, the authority of God’s Word and sensitive cultural application are central to biblical peacemaking. This extends to the role the heart plays in conflict and the way leadership is expressed.
- Non-residential format – The program can be completed while you continue in your ministry. Intensive modular courses limit your time away. Your practicum work is done in your ministry context, and online tutored elective courses allow you to do some of your study from home.
- International learning community – You take courses in a cohort with participants from a variety of countries in Asia and Africa, forming a lively learning community that benefits from shared life experience. International faculty, potentially from five continents and all with peacemaking experience, will be your mentors and guides. Participants from previous cohorts also expand the network.
- Global learning sites – At least one of our learning blocks is conducted in a country outside the Philippines. This allows the program to connect and learn on location in different parts of the world.
- Customized learning – Flexible course assignments, personal mentoring, elective courses, and individual research all contribute to a program relevant to your cultural and ministry context. The three degree exit options are designed to offer training fitting your previous degrees, strengths and gifting/calling.
- Personal application – You learn to reconcile your own relationships, gain skills to assist interpersonal conflict resolution, then study and apply community peacemaking strategies.
- Practitioner/scholars – You will be pushed through personal mentoring to apply what you learn and research so that the outcome of the program is transformative in your life and in the organization in which you serve.
Our Vision for Peace Studies is that Biblically-centered peace becomes a primary characteristic among Christians worldwide as our Peace Studies students influence individuals and institutions through personal example, engagement, publication of scholarly and popular works, and first-class instruction.
Our Mission is to develop highly committed scholars-practitioners who incarnate biblical peace in their lives and spread the practice of peacemaking within their families, churches, institutions, and communities.

Core Values:
- Biblical peace is holistic. It embraces four primary relational domains – with God, with oneself, with others, and with creation.
- Students engage in deep learning. Hearts are shaped, skills are acquired, and intellects are challenged as God brings transformative change.
- The curriculum is comprehensive. Courses stress not only personal, organizational, and community peacemaking, but also development of whole people whose character, behavior and understanding are shaped by the gospel.
- Instructors are scholars-practitioners. They are committed to Christ-centered peacemaking as a way of life and to the highest standards of academic excellence.