The Doctor of Ministry in Transformational Leadership program consists of 30 semester credits and unfolds in phases:
Participants will concentrate on courses and participate in mentored learning experiences chosen to meet their own long-term goals and objectives as leaders. This includes a thorough personal audit to reflect on their gifting, leadership styles, spiritual life, ministry experience, and calling. From this they engage in a process of life and ministry direction setting, establishing personal life goals in spiritual development, leadership ability, and future ministry.
- Papers and Assignments Every paper and/or assignment given to encourage deepened development of “Head, Heart, and Hands” of ministry and the development of a personal philosophy of ministry related to their context.
- Continuous Feedback Through various social media avenues, the needs and interests of the student as well as problems and issues shall be identified. This is the “Iron-Sharpening” process.
- Dissertation/ Project Proposal Students will develop a research project that reflects their ministry context and the issues they need to address for gospel impact.
- Comprehensive Exam Challenges students on understanding developed and relevancy to their context.
- Dissertation/Project Represents scholarly inquiry and original contribution that creates missional impact.