PIM Faculty

  • MEd in Teaching and Learning, 2019
    Maranatha Baptist University
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, 2011
    Biola University
  • Bible Reading Plan
  • The Bible, God’s Story
Liz Haken is married to David Haken and they have 3 young children, 5 years old and under. Her primary ministry is that of a wife and mother, but she also serves at IGSL in the PIM program. Before she had her first child, she was a high school math teacher for 9 years and developed skills in creating detailed, organized lesson plans and explaining otherwise complicated topics in a simple way. That has greatly helped her in her teaching for PIM, where teachers take complicated Biblical topics and try to teach them in an accessible manner. Her experience in one-on-one discipleship of young women as well as serving in her church’s youth group have also equipped her to serve in her ISG. Some of her personal interests include from-scratch cooking, Charlotte Mason homeschooling, container gardening, and walking barefoot in the grass (and sometimes mud!) with her boys.