Dear friends,
Over the years, we at IGSL have been blessed to partner with you in the ministry of building leaders for transformation. Through your prayers and financial support, Christian leaders have been equipped to share the gospel and serve in various contexts in Asia and worldwide.
But did you know that there are other ways to support the ministry here in IGSL? One of these is by sharing your expertise. And that’s what E stands for in L.I.F.E., the team that keeps ministry partners connected with IGSL.

Earlier this month, members of our operations team visited AutoPlus, a car shop owned by a couple of our ministry partners, to learn and exchange best practices for maintaining vehicles and serving clients.
More than workplace tips, they shared about the impact of their IGSL training on their marriage, family, business, and ministry. Coming from a business context where compromises and fierce competition are the norms, they have learned in IGSL the value of leading with humility and integrity as well as living with contentment instead of chasing trends and one-upping.

When asked what his highlight was from this visit, IGSL employee Marcos Atay noted that our ministry partner trusts his employees to do their best in serving their clients even when he’s not there to oversee them. “How much more for us who follow Christ and serve Him in IGSL? The Lord is our Master and the One we serve,” he said.

Blessed as they are, this couple generously gives of their time, talent, and treasure as well by teaching at IGSL and giving toward scholarships.
How about you, dear friends? Is there training you can conduct for our faculty, employees, or students? Would you like to share your skill or expertise? As you generously share your L.I.F.E. (Leadership, Influence, Finances, and Expertise), hand in hand, we are helping fulfill the Great Commission.
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Cris Uy
IGSL President