The mission of IGSL is to develop servant-steward leaders for strategic impact in fulfilling the Great Commission.
IGSL envisions a growing network of Christ-like leaders building spiritual movements that are transforming lives, families, communities, and nations for the glory of God.
This is accomplished through an integrated process of:
- Encouragement in spiritual and personal growth
- Certificate-level academic instruction in sound biblical thinking
- Contextualized ministry training
- Small group mentoring and discipleship through Iron Sharpening Groups (ISG)
Wives of full-time degree students and wives of men in full-time ministry are qualified to enroll in the PIM program. Degree women may take the PIM Enrichment Track.
All women, whether single or married, are welcomed and encouraged to take degree programs at IGSL. However, for the busy wife and mother who may not have that option (for any number of reasons), PIM is an excellent opportunity for advanced learning, growth, and fellowship with lesser academic and time demands. There are three possible ways a ministry wife can go through our Partners In Ministry (PIM) program:
- Growing with God
- Becoming True Partner in Ministry
- Bible Reading Plan 1 and 2 (online)
- Foundations of the Christian Faith
- Reaching Your World
- Marriage Seminar
- Parenting Seminar
- Ministry of Management (6 weeks)
- The Bible: God’s Story (8 weeks)
- Studying the Word and Sharing It
- Soul Care Ministry
- Ministry Applications (5 weeks)
- Biblical Womanhood
- Bible Reading Plan 3 and 4 (online)
- Choosing Life Trainers Training
- Stewarding Transitions in Life
- Making Disciples in an Asian Context
- Beautifying Your World Seminar
- Help! I’m a Sunday School Teacher
Like all PIM students, the women in the PIM English program will also meet with their ISGs on Monday afternoons. After one year of PIM English classes, most women then begin the Regular PIM Track, taking the first year classes during their second year at IGSL. If they are at IGSL a third year, they can then take the second year classes and receive the PIM certificate.
Ministry wives at IGSL who are pursuing a Master’s degree may avail of the unique PIM classes — those which are focused on the unique needs of women, but which are not offered in their degree programs. They may take these additional classes for their personal enrichment. If they complete all of these enrichment classes, they may graduate with a PIM Enrichment Certificate in addition to their Master’s degree.
Year One:- Becoming Partners in Ministry
- God’s Heart, My Heart
- Walking with God Amidst Conflict
- Christian Motherhood
- Christian Marriage Seminar
- Biblical Womanhood
- Communication in Ministry
- Christian Counseling
- Choosing Life Trainers’ Training