BACK (L to R) Tani Holgado (FCL Administrator), Edwin Dayandante (FCL National Field Coordinator), Ojie Bumanglag (FCL Executive Director); FRONT: Vicki Holgado (FCL Curriculum Coordinator), Zillah Herrera (FCL Administrative Assistant)
Foundations for Christian Leadership (FCL) is a certificate program designed to equip students to lead, establish, and plant churches and communities.
Target Group
This program is offered to local church pastors, Christian leaders, and interested individuals with limited biblical knowledge and practical ministry skills but have the desire to serve in their church or build their own ministry. Lowest required level of comprehension is high school level.
FCL’s Two Major Emphases
Pastoral Leadership Training (PLT) trains pastors and lay leaders in the basic biblical knowledge and practical ministry skills to lead, establish, and plant churches.
Multiplying Churches and Communities (MC2) is a global strategy designed to equip trainees using MC2‘s four phases of planting, establishing, and multiplying churches and communities.
FCL Mission
To equip pastors, church leaders, and church planters to become servant-steward leaders for strategic impact in fulfilling the Great Commission.
FCL Vision
Our vision is to see churches in the Philippines and beyond increasingly expanding as spiritual leaders are developed and equipped for the ministry.
(NOTE: For more detailed information, please refer to the links on the right side-bar.)