The world today is more globalized and full of challenges that test a leader’s ability to relate and work well with others. In this constantly changing landscape, leaders must negotiate. We negotiate every day – in our homes, in our marriages, in our families, with neighbors, and at the workplace. In many respects, negotiation is simply having a conversation aimed at reaching an agreement. Join us for a 2 week, part-time course offered online through our Peace Studies doctoral program that aims to help you become a negotiator that can both effectively navigate challenges and differences for agreement and that shows the love of neighbors at the same time. You’ll find this course developing your heart as a leader as well as your skills with others.Requirements: Being able to attend the plenary sessions and fulfill expected coursework (auditors have limited work) and have at least a Master’s Degree.
Chip Zimmer was a leading tennis coach for 6 years before finishing law school at Seattle University in 1984. He then headed up a Christian conciliation service for 10 years before working for the State Department in four countries on three continents. He was then vice-president of Peacemaker Ministries for 13 years and now vice-president for Relational Wisdom. Chip speaks French and Spanish as well as English and has been a practical force behind the formation of this program.
Karl Dortzbach, PhD, University of Pretoria. Program Director.Karl’s work in church planting and pastoral training began in 1973 in Ethiopia, six years in the USA, and 25 years in Kenya. Since 1991 he has been involved in global ethnic conflicts, helping to start and lead this program since 2007. His dissertation was “Wholeness and Healing in Community: Toward Understanding Effective African Church Interventions Following Community Violence”, 2002.Who to contact: Vivian Tica @Vivian TIca