Praise God for changed lives, rich learning experiences, and the privilege of taking part in His mission! Twenty-eight teams of faculty, students, and staff traveled to different areas in Luzon to share the gospel and equip believers on September 7-11.
Reaching Peacekeepers and Government Leaders

In Santol, La Union, about 50 town officials and police officers stood up to indicate decisions for Christ after seminars on Integrity, Conflict Management, and Marriage and Family. The Vice Mayor, who is a committed Christian said, “We have attended so many seminars but this one has the best impact.”
Empowering Filipino Seafarers in Helping Fulfill the Great Commission

A group of seafarers at Golden City Alliance Fellowship–Manila learned about their rights and benefits as overseas workers as well as relating to a foreign culture, sharing the gospel to M believers, and living for God in all aspects of life. The group of Carlo Zaragosa partnered with GFM* in equipping these 13 men for life and work.
*Global Filipino Movement Foundation (GFM) is a non-governmental organization that mobilizes the church to help overseas Filipino workers and their families to do kingdom work.
“Whatever You Did for the Least of These…”

Thirty inmates of the Balanga City Jail clearly understood that true freedom can only be found in Jesus as Mike Cariño’s group shared their testimonies and a special song. The team also encouraged 35 Aeta believers, including children, who are trusting God for a worship facility as they seek to reach others in their community of about 5,000 families.
Contagious Faith, Courageous Messengers
by April Antich
We know Joclet Darcen as a hardworking nurse serving in IGSL. Her work may be about stopping the spread of contagious diseases, but her passion in sharing the gospel is so contagious that it revived the tired, overworked spirits of our team members as well as many Rimando Wesleyan Church members.
Nurse Joclet trained ladies, led small groups, cooked delicious meals, fulfilled market errands, taught in the Sunday school women’s department, cheered her husband through and through, extended her listening ear to many hurt and frustrated moms, and so much more. Indeed, her passion is infectious and unstoppable! She’s our Joyful Joclet, fulfilling her role as spiritual nurse, always ready to be of service to the Great Physician.

Joel Del Rosario is the visa liaison officer of IGSL, but during ministry week we saw another side of him. He is a committed follower of Jesus and a bold ambassador of the gospel. At Rimando Wesleyan Church in Baguio City, he shared about the 5-Finger Evangelism, a simple way to share the gospel using fingers of the hand to represent and illustrate the message of John 3:16. The people were so excited to put it into practice that on the following afternoon, they courageously shared their faith.
Kuya Joel also preached on Romans 5 about being assured of salvation and taught the men during Sunday school. More than helping international students and faculty at IGSL have legal visas recognized by the Philippine government, he fervently shares the message that makes people authorized, saved citizens of heaven.

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“For the Kingdom of God Belongs to Such as These”
God raised a special group of prayer warriors to intercede for the ministry week teams. Wives and children of IGSL students gathered every day during Ministry Week to pray together, entrusting to the Lord their husbands and fathers and ultimately the success of God’s kingdom work.

Indeed, the Lord delights in answering the prayers of His children. After five days, the parents who came back shared how God worked mightily in and through them. Everyone who prayed was encouraged, especially the children as they realized that they also took part in doing the ministry. “The Lord has many things to teach us about what His kingdom looks like, what power in His kingdom looks like,” aptly shared Suzanne Heyd who helped lead Team Home to visibly demonstrate God-dependence in doing the ministry.