You will be challenged academically, stretching your mind to think critically and wisely as you deepen your understanding of God’s word.

Your own identity in Christ will be strengthened, helping you to live in obedience to God and relate more graciously with people from all backgrounds.

You will grow in your love for God and for people, improving your skills in making disciples as you minister with biblical fidelity and contextual creativity

Studying at IGSL means more than just academic training. It’s an enjoyable, enriching, and life-changing experience as students meet new people, encounter new cultures, and gain new perspectives.
Students, faculty, and staff grow in love and faith as we learn to live harmoniously in diversity.
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Freshmen Integration Training (FIT)
Before classes officially begin, incoming freshmen attend the Freshman Intensive Training (FIT). It is a time to be acquainted with one another and to learn about the culture of the Philippines and life in IGSL. Preparatory classes like Research and Writing are also conducted during the FIT.

Community Time
A time for the IGSL family to gather weekly at the chapel for praise and worship, fellowship, time in the Word, and addressing specific issues or topics raised by the student body. This is planned and handled by the Student Council and actively participated by students, faculty, and staff. Community Time has been designed to help strengthen the school’s unity and vision.
Iron-Sharpening Group (ISG)
An intimate community within the bigger IGSL community intended to provide students an avenue for accountability, continuing discipleship, and time to encourage one another. It also provides a forum for discussing personal issues, interacting in an informal situation with faculty who is leading the group, and developing closer relationships with fellow students. As part of the personal development aspect of the curriculum, these groups form an integral part of the growth and training of IGSL students.

Target Area Ministry (TAM)
TAM is a Great Commission ministry that includes strategies in winning, building, training, and sending believers to a specific target audience/area. The purpose of TAM is to provide a ministry environment that focuses on empowering students to take initiative and ownership (within the context of a team) and in a long-term WINNING, BUILDING, TRAINING, and SENDING (WBTS) process of making disciples who make disciples in a key sector of society.
IGSL Prayer Movement
IGSL desires to help build a commitment to intercessory prayer within the family. Every week, the people of IGSL gather to pray together on Fridays to intercede for personal, IGSL-wide, national, and global concerns. In addition, a Worldwide Day of Prayer (WWDOP) is conducted twice a year participated by students, faculty, and staff to intercede for the world.

Day with the Lord
A day given to students, staff, and faculty (specifically with their ISGs) once every term, for a time of personal and group reflection, spiritual renewal, and prayer. In the 3rd trimester, the Day with the Lord becomes a two-day spiritual retreat for all degree students. The retreat is an opportunity for each one to personally commune with God.
Community Retreat
Once every school year, usually in February, the entire IGSL community goes off for worship, reflection, fellowship, and fun. For three days, everyone takes a break from the rigors of academics and ministry to develop deeper relationships and foster richer community.

Family Day
The IGSL community gathers once a year, usually during the first term, to welcome the new students and introduce them to the current students, faculty, and staff. This is a time to get to know each other’s culture and uniqueness. The Family Day, as it is called, breaks down cultural barriers and brings each other closer together through fellowship, sharing, and praying. It depicts what the scriptures say, “All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, And they shall glorify Your name.” (Psalm 86:9)
Ministry Week
Near the end of the first semester of each school year, IGSL students and faculty members and IGSL staff are involved in extended outreaches of four to five days called Ministry Weeks. The purpose of Ministry Week is to provide a ministry environment that focuses on developing the student’s character, philosophy, and ministry skills through intentional faculty modeling within the ISG in the context of a Great Commission team ministry.

Applied Learning for Strategic Impact (ALSI)
ALSI is a five-week program in “real-life” ministry experience, with a team of 6-7 fellow freshmen students during the summer break after the students’ first year of studies.
The Team Leadership class during the second semester is designed to prepare and equip the students for their leadership experiences the following summer.
Multi-Cultural Community
IGSL is a melting pot of different nationalities representing more than 15 countries from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. Each nationality shares their cultural uniqueness through their own language, cuisine, cultural dances, and a display of their national costumes. This multi-cultural setting provides an opportunity for students to be exposed to different cultures and to learn how Biblical principles are uniquely applied in their own contexts.