Dr. Andrew Liuson, IGSL Board Chairman
What I’m teaching you today is something you can pass on. It is the crucial first step in the process of making disciples. We must share the gospel first if we’re going to make disciples. And I have learned that, “Success in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, and leaving the results to God.” We need to share the gospel with everyone!
So why should we share the gospel? Well, we should make God happy! And what will make God happy? First Timothy 2:3-4 says, “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” So if we take part in people getting saved, it will definitely make God happy.
Watch video
Watch Gift of God: Modified One-Verse Evangelism on youtube.
You have a card in your hand and you need to bring it with you always. So that you can just pull it out anytime and share it. What do we share? One verse: Romans 6:23. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God in Christ Jesus our Lord is eternal life.” This tool has been around for decades and we share this through a napkin or a paper traditionally. This card is the innovation and here’s how to use it:

(Click to enlarge)
- Chit-chat to deep chat – You should ask them questions to get their interest and bring them to a meaningful chat.
- Show them the card – Ask, “Have you seen a Death-Life card?” while turning it upside down a few time. Normally it takes them a while to see the word DEATH & LIFE. Then ask, “One day when we stand before God, what label do you want God to see on you: Wages or Gift?
- Ask permission to share the card – Do you have 10 minutes?
- Explain the GiftofGod Card – Romans 6:23
- Explain and ask them to pray – Prayer to receive the Gift of God
- Introduce to them the GotQuestion.org website or mobile APP for further questions about faith.
- When you don’t have the card, you can show photos of it through your smartphone and forward them to others. (Photos are downloadable or you can take screenshots of the front and back portions of the card. You can share them with anyone.)
To see what God is doing through GiftofGod card, click this link GIFTofGod and join the group, so you can also post your experience sharing the GIFTofGod to encourage more people to share, “…til everyone hears.”