Core Values

At IGSL, we are passionate about producing Servant-Steward leaders through a process of balancing biblical, spiritual, and ministry skill development. We believe this requires a relational mentoring environment to catalyze personal transformation.

Our core educational values are captured in the acrostic LEADERS which reflect Jesus’ methods of training: instruction, modeling, experience, and environment.

By God’s grace and empowerment we have seen the results – leaders who increasingly exhibit Christ-like character, biblical values, and leadership skills needed to facilitate strategic spiritual multiplication movements in their contexts in Asia and around the world. We believe a growing network of like-minded leaders in key sectors of society will exert increasing spiritual and moral influence that God can use to transform nations.
Life and character transformation

According to I Timothy 3 and Titus 1, the primary prerequisite for leadership in the body of Christ is godly character. At IGSL, development of godly character and biblical convictions is emphasized both in the classroom and in ministry and other work situations. The school believes that all Christian ministry should be an overflow of a vital relationship with God.

Exposition of God's Word

We are committed to a high view of Scriptural inerrancy and key historical doctrines of the Christian faith, such as justification by grace through faith alone for salvation. Because of this commitment, all our programs give importance to the teaching and preaching of the Word of God.

Application to Ministry

To learn how to have an effective Christian ministry, students must begin to build one while in the school. At IGSL, students participate in personal and group evangelism, disciple building, leading small groups, church planting, teaching, preaching, counseling, and many other areas of leadership and ministry. Successful completion of their training involves not only growth in knowledge but also development of character and mastery of specific ministry and leadership skills.

Demonstration by faculty

The IGSL curriculum is built around a discipleship model of education which requires a strong student-teacher relationship. The student-to-faculty ratio is intentionally kept low to facilitate personal mentoring. Faculty members disciple their students and model a lifestyle which demonstrates a growing walk with God, ministry proficiency, godly character, and academic excellence.

Exposure to a world vision

We are committed to developing in our students a vision for reaching the world for Christ. Our students are continually exposed to the global work of the Body of Christ. The student body itself represents a variety of nations and cultures of the world. Students who attend IGSL receive their training in the context of fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

● Marriage.
IGSL considers the wives of its students as partners of their husbands in their commitment to the Lordship of Christ and to Christian service. Because not all wives are able to complete degree programs, the school designed the Partners in Ministry program to encourage wives to grow in biblical knowledge, Christian character, and ministry skills. As they grow, their own ministry effectiveness increases, as well as their ability to complement their husbands’ ministries.

● Ministry Teams.
IGSL recognizes that one key to successful ministry is the ability to work together with other believers in reaching ministry goals. Thus, the school seeks to expose students to team ministry opportunities throughout their stay in IGSL. Students participate in ministry weeks during which they plan and carry out ministry in cooperation with other team members. In addition, all students participate in an internship which emphasizes the building of team relations in pursuit of ministry and work goals.

● Local church.
IGSL is committed to building into its students’ love and respect for the local church. While at school, students are involved in local churches representing a wide variety of denominational and cultural backgrounds. Involvement in the normal life of the church is required of all students.
Servant-steward leadership

Jesus demonstrated that spiritual leadership is God-dependent and self-giving in loving service. He also showed that all leaders give an account to God as stewards of the truth, purposes, and people that God has entrusted to them. Servant-steward leaders serve God and serve people in accomplishing kingdom purposes—both ministry goals and the personal development of their teams.